Academics Council

The Academic Council of the school functions as the nodal point targeting academic excellence. The council reiterates the vision of the Foundress who believed that the best way in moulding the Indian psyche is through education and hence strove all her life for the cause of education. The academic council meets from time to time analysing and evaluating academic related issues and adopts fresh methods to counter lapses.

Nelson Mandela makes a valid point to moot: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Hence the Academic Council of the school functions to direct and channelize the academic acumen of the students towards fruition and ultimately for a progressive society. A series of co-curricular activities are undertaken by the council to realise this goal.

The Secretary of the Academic Council is Mrs. Sironmony Nirmala Rani and he is assisted by Ms.Jennifer Lourdu Mariam. The Council has 43 staff members to carry out the year’s schedule. The school Calendar and other programmes for the year are prepared by them apart from conducting various competitions like recitation, verse writing, elocution and story-telling.

The Academic Council takes up science projects and encourages children to come up with novel ideas. They also work towards promoting eco-consciousness and cultivating environment friendly attitudes.They endorse leadership, responsibility and team spirit through the Investiture Ceremony by which the school captains and class monitors are called for duty.

The council offers career guidance, orientation, motivation and awareness programmes which prepare children to encounter the challenge of the future with grit, determination and fortitude. The council avails every chance to offer students a chance to learn and know their environment, day-to-day events etc., like Albert Einstein who said, “I never teach my pupils, I only provide the conditions in which they can learn”, by promoting news papers, videos and seminars.

The Academic Council functions adhering to the vision of the Foundress in shaping minds to establish a future of enlightened minds, equipped to establish a peaceful and prosperous society.